Thursday, 17 October 2013


By her side I sat
The admired, from afar
Spotted in the crowd
In the rush to book comfort

Alone, together
I thought it a blessing
With the Pilot minding his wheels
I imagined us in a dialogue -
Beholding nature, pointing, appreciating landforms

Speedily we past them
The crowd that sought to thee hide
Hastily, we moved fast into nature’s arms
But silence, whom I frustrated, almost to death
She encouraged, and nurtured to a stature that killed me

Hey! They all screamed
Many a voice began saying the same thing
Though they jammed into a confusing murmur
But her voice was distinct, as she gently tapped
Please stay awake; for you infect the Pilot!

Awakened, I turned
I beheld her beauty!
How could I remain near death
throughout my passage through you?

You sent your breeze, it greeted
My eyes beheld, many of the same -
Proud mounds, crowned with lush vegetation
Popped like the knocked head of a recalcitrant

So breath - taking were your views, oh Mpu!
as you heralded Nsukka
that you kept me awake; so glued to you
that I could only say goodbye to her
As we alit to meet another crowd!

So memorable was my second trip to Nsukka! Don’t get me wrong, the first ‘she’ was many men’s desire, in fact, I was the envy in the bus; but she snubbed, and the other said hi. Why should I now be blamed?

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