Monday, 7 October 2013


As we continually increase in our consciousness of our world, and ourselves, we gradually lose grip of that child – like confidence that we had in many a thing. This somehow is occasioned by the additional responsibilities that progressively, we must necessarily pick up, and add unto the almost zero responsibility we had when we were first born. Even if we know so much luxury such that we don’t need to lift a pin, we are still bedeviled with the responsibility of passing necessary ‘exams’ in life to be reckoned a success.
Most times, we lack the drive necessary to pull us out of our comfort into that zone unknown, but which nonetheless, we are sure will birth us sweet life… that is sure to earn us dolce vita. Faith in something is vital to lead us through the dark paths straight into the light which we all, like the termite, gravitate towards. This faith can be placed on things within, or on those without. To place this faith on things within, we must be conscious of a structure, which we must have, by any means, built in ourselves. And to place this faith on externals, sufficient must be the signs that the environment can take us to that land of utopia.
Naturally, young minds lack the courage necessary to take that revolutionary first step. They have not done it before and so they feel it is just ok to cede away that singular faith component that would help you to believe realistically in the external. They then turn to the external for succor, they talk to those they feel can help or are more experienced than they are. It is fine when then they talk to ‘good’ superiors but not too ok, when they talk to ‘experienced’ alter egos who, woke up earlier than they did. Ironically, even the older and more experienced people they want to safely place that faith on are still taking first steps, no matter their age. They may, in fact have taken the stride of adolescence, of the brightly – coloured youthful age, but they still take steps appropriate to their current age. They have not been in their current stage of life before; and trust me, they too are nervous. They still place faith on themselves, on then on things without.
The point is, develop yourself enough to trust in yourself. Faith has things that militate against its growth in us. They, like cancer start small, grow and gradually kill us. Most times, we only know when it is obvious. However, it might just be a little late by then. The more spontaneous ones are quicker to discover and easier to deal with – doubt and fear. The more subtle one for me are deadlier – Lukewarmness and procrastination - they kill you before you actually die!
However, before we look at these later on, permit me to say that all trust placed on the self is based on confidence in something…. We will miss the point when that trust emanates from, develop in, and terminate in us. Hence, we first trust absolutely as babes, doubt as we grow on until we meet that special something that reverses the order - From within it starts, and we go on in life we’ll see that there is a that Someone that orders the course of things and we necessarily trust in him, even the atheist. It is this faith in that External that brings forth ‘hope’ that drives faith. I wonder the Divine that does no demand us to love Him, and our neigbour. Rhetorical right? I’m sorry, see you later!

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