Tuesday, 15 April 2014



Open your eyes to this day of hope
Held up in strands only you can rope
Strong enough to hold up your hopes
Look at the spider; oh! She may give you some hope
See how she spins strands into a webbed home of ropes!

Look around and you’ll find your rope!
For scattered around are the many strands of your rope
Or could it be inside like that of the spider?
Patiently, web together your small, strong strands
And you’ll surely spin a fortress, like a spider’s home

The Lord is near, our hope of hopes
Our Fortress, He’ll call us to our eternal home

AKPE TOMBARI 25/11/2012

Monday, 7 April 2014


I owe too many apologies but this one i can't delay… My Love I am sorry.
It was natural. We never said words. I knew we were made, one for another; is bread not for tea? Together, hand in hand, we strolled, to the envy of many. Forgotten so soon how the sun stood behind us, behind Ottamiri?
It was there I did it all; celebrated, an armature. There I charmed many; illuminating, it was De Lumen. Can't forget Ojukwu, yes, he was Ikemba. But I left, unrecognized: The Nation Campus Life joint best sports reporter. Then I felt I had arrived; why do I need you?
"You need to learn," was a brother's well done. It took me years to get there! It was painful, but I had to. I had to break free to get to thee my Love.
I apologize to thee Creativity. For the many years I poisoned many…  Scribbling things without form.  Do not hold it against this sinner. Bend me to your will and I'll learn.
From the river banks I sinned; on this hill I apologize.
Take me back, forgive what society made me. I still wish to stand behind you behind the sun behind still waters. This time I need you my Love to do it right. She is a berry… rare specie! Help me tell her friends, that Tom is sorry and needs her.
From the Tom that loves you